Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika (p-ISSN: 2085-5893 | e-ISSN: 2541-0458) is an international journal devoted to publishing and disseminating research, ideas, and practices on mathematics education. Specifically, it focuses on the critical, humanistic, political, or socio-cultural perspective of mathematics education and affects in mathematics teaching and learning. The journal is published by Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram in collaboration with Asosiasi Dosen Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika PTKIN (Ad-Mapeta) half-yearly (May and November) and has been indexed in SINTA 2.
2023 Acceptance rate 36% - Overall acceptance rate (2017-present) 25%
The published articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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Full open-access. No processing & publication fees for authors
The journal has rigorous peer-reviews
The journal is indexed in DOAJ and SINTA 2
Enhancing students' problem-solving skills and engagement through inquiry-based mathematics education with Mathigon: A study on Cartesian coordinates
Published : 2024-11-30 -
Functional thinking in Kolb learning style: A causal-comparative study
Published : 2024-11-30 -
Efforts to overcome students’ learning difficulties in geometry: A didactic design of creative thinking skills through metacognitive approaches
Published : 2024-11-29 -
Computational thinking in mathematics instruction integrated STEAM education: Global trend and students’ achievement in the last two decades
Published : 2024-11-28 -
Between gender and academic achievement: Creative thinking in mathematics problem solving among junior high school students
Published : 2024-11-23 -
Prospective primary mathematics teachers’ attitude towards statistics
Published : 2024-05-31
Latest Articles
Editors' Picks
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Mathematics education research in Indonesia: A scoping review
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Designing culturally-rich local games for mathematics learning
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Research Articles
The aim of this category is to publish original empirical research that refer to various methodological perspectives, for example, qualitative, systematical reviews, quantitative or mixed-methods. A guideline for authors to write RA is explained in the manuscript template
Classroom Reports
This category is devoted to mathematics teachers or educators who want to publish their instructional ideas, either has been implemented or just a plan. It has less rigour format than the research articles. Details about CR can be read in the manuscript template
Theoretical Perspectives
This category aims to accomodate potential authors, especially invited/expert authors who want to address theoretical or methodological outlooks of their research. The theoretical perspectives (TP) are expected to provoke discussions on related theories/frameworks/methods and trigger future research. Authors'... More