Author Guidelines
The general guideline for authors
- The article must be typed in 1.13 spaced, TNR font with size 11,5 pts except for abstract and on A4 paper size
- The article is encouraged to be 10-20 pages including reference and appendix
- The article must include abstract in Bahasa and English (max. 250 words) and be following by the keywords (3-5 words). Abstract and keywords are typed in 1 spaced and TNR 11 pts
- Foreign and regional words which are not standardized in KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) should be written italic
- Citation must be in form of in-text and bibliography are based on APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association)
- References is typed in single-spaced and TNR 10,5 pt. The authors are encouraged to use journals as the main references and avoid using web articles. The bibliography must be the last 10 years publication except for any foundational works e.g. learning theories, framework etc.
Article Template
To help authors in fulfilling the requirement of article organization in the journal, Author Template is available. It can be used directly to write articles.
Article template English
Article Format
Articel title: Author guideline for article
(Lower case, TNR, 13pt Bold, Space 1, Left alignment)
Author’s Name1, Author’s Name2, Author’s Name3
(TNR, 11pt Bold, left alignment)
Abstrak: Abstrak memberikan gambaran yang jelas terkait konten artikel. Isi abstrak memuat tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan, dan hasil penelitian. Penulis juga bisa menambahkan ulasan masalah penelitian sebagai pengantar abstrak, simpulan, dan implikasi hasil penelitian. Abstrak ditulis dengan huruf tegak (Normal font), dianjurkan maksimal 250 kata. Jenis huruf yang digunakan dalam abstrak adalah Times New Roman dengan ukuran 11 dan spasi 1. Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Dalam abstrak berbahasa Indonesia, istilah atau kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya ditulis dalam cetak miring (italic).
Kata kunci: Panduan abstrak, Pemahaman konsep, Matematika (Italic, 3-5 kata)
Abstract: Abstract describes clearly the content of the article. It includes the aims of research, methods, and the findings. It is also suggested to highlight the research problem in the first paragraphs, conclusion, and implication of the research. Abstract is written in normal font and not more than 250 words. The font used for abstract is Times New Roman 11 pts with 1 spacing. Abstract must be in Bahasa and English. If it is in Bahasa, the terms or words in English or other foreign languages should be italic.
Keywords: Abstract guideline, Conceptual understanding, Mathematics (Italic, 3-5 words)
A. Introduction ← 12pts, TNR bold
(11,5 pts TNR; space 1.125)
Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika ( is a scientific, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal which publishes scholarly articles in the mathematics education field. The articles must be 10-20 pages including bibliography and appendix (if any). In a specific case, it could be more than 20 pages, for example, the article has over 5 pages of reference. The articles published can be research articles (first priority) and library research (limited number). The scope of the published articles will be as follows.
Firstly, critical, humanistic, or socio-cultural perspective of mathematics education (values, characters or moral development, language, equity, social justice, social emotional, social political, ethnomathematics, history, religious, etc.). The scope pertains to the ideas that teaching and learning mathematics are not only about the mathematics itself but also its connection to a broader context of our life. For example, values in mathematics education which rooted in the work of Alan J Bishop, Mathematics Enculturation and followed by many research projects such as VAMP (Values and Mathematics Projects), VIMT (Values in Mathematics Teaching), WiFi (What I Find Important), and Third Wave Project.
Secondly, affects in mathematics teaching and learning. The scope deals with a basic question, how mathematics-related affects contribute to the teaching and learning of mathematics? The affects in mathematics education can be various topics such as beliefs, emotions, self-efficacy, confidence, motivations, identity, mathematics anxiety. The researches (ideas of research) on related topics can be traced to the works of Markku S. Hannula, CERME Proceedings, ICME Proceedings and published books in Springer or other publishers.
Thirdly, the development of students' mathematics literacy. This scope answers the question, how mathematics learning develops students’ mathematics literacy? It refers to researches on the teachers' effort from primary until undergraduate to support and enhance students' roles and engagement in constructing mathematics knowledge and skills. It is not only about the achievement of students but also the process of learning which develop character, values, attitudes, problem-solving, reasoning and proof, representations, connections, communications, and high order thinking. The teachers' effort can be in the form of developing mathematics tasks, learning materials, the use of digital technologies, ethnomathematics, etc.
Fourthly, the development of mathematics teacher’ (pre-service and in-service) competencies. The scope is devoted to any researches to support pre-service and/or in-service mathematics teachers develop pedagogical values, pedagogical identities, and technological/pedagogical content knowledge.
The introduction must at least comprise four paragraphs which cover four mandatory points respectively, i.e., (1) the mathematics education problems which were identified and addressed in the research, (2) potential solutions or works to the problems which the prior studies proposed or tried solving, (3) identification of knowledge or research gap, and (4)the statement of research purposes or research questions. Research problems draw from a thorough analysis of prior researches or a dept preliminary researches. The second point specifically captures the prior attempts to resolve the identified research problems from which the authors identify the knowledge gap. The knowledge or research gap deals with the importance, the position, and the distinction of the current research toward prior relevant researches. It is not enough to state that little is known or few researches have been carried out on the topic. The author(s) should also be more specifics to the findings of the prior studies in order to make a clear distinction to the current study. The introduction ends with the statement of research purposes which refer to research problems and knowledge gap. The author(s) is highly encouraged to explicate how the answers to the research questions will help to resolve the research problems. The explanations which do not closely link to research purposes or topics must not be included to have an effective introduction. In this journal article, there is no subchapter or heading for theoretical review as in research report document. It is included in the aforementioned four points.
B. Methods ← 12pts, TNR bold
(11,5pts TNR; space 1.125)
This part addresses the methods employed in the research. It includes types of research (classroom action research, design research, etc.), research subjects, research instruments (developed by the researcher/s or adapt the existing instrument), data sources, data collections, and data analysis. The author(s) must pay careful attention to the data analysis since it is not just a general step. For example, the author(s) state that the data was analyzed through four steps; reducing data, displaying data, making an inference, and verification. The four steps are required to be operationally elaborated referring to what the author(s) did in the research.
Figures, graphs, tables, and equation
The figures must be arranged as in the example below.
The figure is center alignment
Figure 1. Attached figure in article (Center alignment)
The graphs must be like the following format.
The graph is center alignment
Graph 1. Attached graph format (Center alignment)
The equations must use equation features in Microsoft Word, not an image.
<Equation is here> See the template
The tables must be written in space 1 and 10,5 pts. The table format used in this journal article is as below
Table 1. Table format used in the journal (center alignment)
The table is center alignment
C. Findings and Discussion ← 12pts, TNR bold
(11,5pts TNR; space 1.125)
This part includes three major points, i.e., representative or selected research data which support the findings, research findings, and the discussion or a dept-analysis of the findings. For example, if the research was about students’ problem solving of non-routine mathematics tasks then the authors should present selected data on students’ work, explain the findings drawn from the presented data, and following by a thorough analysis of the findings. Some questions to help to make the analysis are: Why are that the findings? How do the findings solve the identified research problems or answer the proposed research questions? How do the findings relate to prior studies or the body of knowledge? How do the findings imply mathematics teaching and learning theoretically or empirically? The discussion or analysis of the findings is not enough to just state that it relates to prior studies. This part ends with suggestions for further research.
D. Conclusion ← 12pts, TNR bold
(11,5pts TNR; space 1.125)
The conclusion answers the research hypothesis or purposes. It is not the replication of findings and discussion but a summary of the findings which refer to research purposes. The conclusion is written in the form of a descriptive paragraph (one to three paragraphs), not as the numbering.
Acknowledgment ← 12pts, TNR bold
(11pts TNR; space 1.125)
Acknowledgment is optional. The author/s is encouraged to acknowledge any parties that give contribution to the research. It is not same as dedication chapter in thesis/dissertation.
References ← 12pts, TNR bold
(10.5 pts, TNR, space 1)
Guideline for the references is as follows.
- References must be the same as citations
- Minimum 15 references for each article, 80% of them are primary references such as journal articles, conference proceedings, and thesis/dissertation.
- The references must be last 10 years
- The authors are highly encouraged to use reference manager such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, and others
- The references apply APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association). Further read about APA is available here